Saturday, June 11, 2011



The new age of technology in which we live, makes it possible for many inventions and discoveries to develop, and one such discovery is Podcasting. Podcasts are files that can be downloaded directly from the internet or that can be accessed via streaming feeds like RSS feeds.

According to Wikipedia free encyclopedia, a podcast is a series of digital files, audio or video that are released and downloaded through web syndication.
Similarly the University of Texas Academics at the Community, Journalism & Research group in the USA are proposing a four-part definition of a podcast: A podcast is a digital audio or video file that is episodic; downloadable; program-driven, mainly with a host and/or theme; and convenient, usually via an automated feed with computer software.[
By having an MP3 player, or a normal PC. Podcasts can be used.
They were invented so that anyone could create broadcasts or video broadcasts which may include comedy, politics, entertainment, educational projects etc. Podcasts can be used for so many important broadcasts now days and even teachers can send Podcasts to absent students so that they can catch up on any missed lessons.You may also find out any information or enjoy a certain comedian, by searching on the various Podcasts websites. Additionally you can search a wide range of downloads on the iTunes website as well as Podcast and Podalley.
Podcasts were created to be educational as well as for pure entertainment value and you can listen to them just like you would listen to music in the car, when going for a jog, or just while relaxing. You can get information on diet tips, healthy ways to exercise, current news, astrology news, independent comedy shows, radio plays, and much more. All that people need to do is subscribe to a Podcast feed.

The term Podcast was derived from the iPod and broadcast. The name was to show that television and radio shows can be broadcast over a portable device and downloaded whenever you like. A Podcast is created when an MP3 file is made and sent to a client or server which can be then converted into an XML format, then it is published through common internet servers and can be uploaded to different blogs sites for people to see.
In order to receive the Podcast feeds you need to have a type of software on your PC like iTunes for Apple Macintosh and iPodder for Windows XP and 2000.
People realize that this is the perfect way to become well known and break into the industry of music, comedy, acting, and radio broadcasting.  Podcasts will continue to grow as more and more people realize the significance of free broadcasts to just about anything that they want to listen to or watch. The formats that are used are MP3, MP4, text and PDF, and you can use any portable handheld device or your PC to receive the various Podcasts that you subscribe to.

Teachers have been blessed by the technology and its new implications and uses. Prove of this are the podcasts, which ennable us to record different audios such as radio programs,music,TV shows etc.
We teachers are commonly faced with unreal class situations, where our students can seldom participate in authentic situations. Now thanks to 2.0 web tools such as podcasts, real authentic situations can be brought to the EFL class, and expose our learners to all kind of different outputs.Thanks to this 2.0 web tool, students will be able to listen to a radio program, audiobooks, or recorded conversations, where they will be offered a wide scope of extra listening out of the classroom.
Moreover, it will grant us teachers an excellent way to keep our students interested, motivated
and curious of what is there in stock.




  1. Hello Maite, Now that you mentioned that we "teachers" are blessed to have technology available, at our disposal, to take all the advantages of it to vary and enrich our job in the classroom. You are right!
    But then I started to think "and what about the past years?" , how we, " who are digital immigrants, and did not have the technology (podcast, movie maker, wikis) we have now" , did in those years.
    I think good teachers like YOU, my other partners, our ICT teacher and ME, will always be good. No matter technology or any new teaching trend or fashion.
    The positive thing of these times is that education can be accessed by many more, if we compare that with past times and that accessibility has been given by technology.
    So let's thank technology but let's also thank ourselves to be good teachers.

  2. Hi Maite, I agree with you. After exploring Web 2.0 tools, I have come to realize that emerging technologies represent a potential for teaching English. And I will jump in Cesar's post and add that we, teachers, are always looking for new ways to be up dated, it was so in the past and in the present.
