Monday, August 1, 2011

WEEK 13 Intregating ICT in the EFL Classroom

Key Words: Literature, EFL, Web 2.0, Skills,Wikis

The purpose of this project is to use the Literature in the EFL classroom, by taking advantage of the Web 2.0 tools.
The use of Literature has represented for many English teachers a resourceful tool to gain familiarity with many linguistic uses, language improvement, and especially because it represents a powerful instrument to incorporate cultural information of the target language.
“Literature can provide students with access to the culture of the people whose language they are studying”. (Lazar, G. p16.1993)
Literary works undoubtedly enable students to understand the language better by providing them with real world experiences, relationships between society and people where the target language is spoken, even if they are fictions. Additionally, literature promotes unlimited opportunities in the EFL class to teach the four skills; listening, reading, writing, and speaking, either individually, or together.
The growing acceptance of technology within the EFL class as a motivator for students; has lead many teachers to include Web 2.0 tools in their contexts as valuable resources. So, it is not difficult to understand why EFL teachers have decided to take such an interest in using them and taking advantage of all they have to offer to the educational environment. Therefore, while teaching in the EFL through literature, is the main concern of this project, the incorporation of Web 2.0 tools will surely contribute to the completion of it with a great success.
The Web 2.0 artifacts designed for this project are a Wiki page, and a video created with the Windows Movie Maker.
The Wiki, Mater English is a working space created for the purpose of providing a direct link between the students of 1 st. year of high school of Colegio Mater Salvatoris de Caracas, and their English teacher, Professor Maite Sangroniz. The main objective in creating this Wiki is to encourage the students to actively participate in the building of this space, by completing assignments, reading articles, stories, texts, etc. It will additionally provide ample space for students to collaboratively participate on it.
The students will also be able to access through this site to videos, which will be used in the EFL class.
By using a Wiki we can take advantage of the tools technology offers in this learning community, and move on in the never ending world of technological advances. Moreover the addition of such a novel resource in the classroom environment, will undoubtedly be an inspiration to my students and a space for creative work.
The Video was created for follow up purposes in this initial project, and will be extensively used in a later time. This movie was created with in the syllabus objectives of 1st year of high school, and its contents are closely related to the Short Story Theme, included in the Wiki. It was developed for its invaluable visual input which will help to convey the purpose of the reading, and it will further be of  great service to promote more communicative skills, creative thinking, as well as to explore some elements of language such as vocabulary.

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